Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

2011 Christmas Dinner with Tim Hura Hura

people said "it takes two to tango"
and i will say "it takes 8 friends to a joy Christmas dinner in 2011"
PEPeNERO, 29 December 2011.

after 1 month announcement,
days by days, weeks by weeks thoughts,
we held our 2011 Christmas Dinner!
Lyonita, Eci, Maurin, Okta, Intan, Olive, Roy, Anton, Evy.
9 people as the members of Tim Hura Hura. :)

it was a simple thought in my head after the dinner actually that
draws me to this idea; for posting a post about this.

we are friends from high school, yes, it was 8 or 9 years a go.
dear readers, do you still meet your high school friends once every month? :)
it is a blessing, can had a dinner with you guys last night. :)
i really do love it.

even on that day we still had a little bit "fireworks" between us,
the dinner went well. still can smile by remembering it right now. :P
how one of us can forgot about the time, how we have to bring gifts,
how we had a dress code, how we wondered how to reach the restaurant
since it was raining on the afternoon.

each of us brought our Christmas gift, and trade it. :D
it might be simple things to receive for many people,
but i will be a sentimental guy who believe
it is not as simple as the simple forms of it. :P

simply, the moment i savour, i savour it much. :)

the Santa Claus game

23 Desember 2011,
dari inisiatif kedua manajer di divisi Jakarta Japan Quotation,
kami mengadakan Santa Claus game di kantor! \(^o^)/

intinya adalah acara tukar kado, dengan masing-masing dari kami
akan bertindak sebagai Santa Claus utk seseorang.
seminggu sebelumnya, undian diedarkan, tiap orang akan mendapatkan
satu nama sebagai calon utk diberi kado, dan aturannya
kita tidak boleh memberi tahu orang tersebut, and vice versa. :D

setelah tahu nama orang yang mau kita kasih kado,
kita harus coba menerka, kado seperti apa ya yang pas untuk dia,
plus, ingat, tetap ada batasan harga kadonya, minimal 50.000 rupiah
(lebih boleh juga sih, hahaha)
dan akhirnya di hari H, semua kado yang sudah dibungkus dengan
kertas kado dikumpulkan. kami kumpul di ruang rapat, sepatah-dua kata
diucapkan, dan akhirnya masing-masing mengambil kado yang
sudah tertera namanya masing-masing. :D

inti dari permainan tukar kado ini sederhana saja.
saling berbagi. dan makna tambahannya, kita bisa makin saling
mengenal anggota dari sesama tim di divisi ini.
kalau sebelumnya tidak pernah terpikir, ketika mencari kado,
jadi mulai berpikir, "si dia ini sukanya apa sih?"
plus terbatas anggaran masing-masing tentunya, harus jeli
membeli kado yang kreatif tapi juga ga kebobolan dompet. :P

everyone got their present, everyone is happy!
for next year, let's find another fun way! :)

Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

this is the time

after 4 weeks, back to works, back to my routines here in Jakarta,
i think it is the time, time for me to post the stories.

10 days in Europe, will be 10 blog posts?
don't know, not sure. hahahaha.

but anyway, why suddenly i do want to write it?
past few days, only have will to edit the photos,
still hesitate that i don't have any time to write the stories.

today it was just finished, my friend presentation of her tour to Portugal.
yes, for this two months, there are 3 staffs from our office in Jakarta
got the change to go to Europe for educational trip.

Roy, myself, went to Holland, Belgium and Germany.
Gita, went to Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Austria.
Erlina, went to Portugal.
and this 3 days, we had presented our reports to the team members.

and recently, some of my friends updated their blogs with their stories,
their travel stories. Japan, Newzealand,
Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia.
i remembered a words :
"when you're going for travel, you will search for the information through
the internet. and sometimes, you're gonna be mad
if you cannot find any clue.
so, when you have traveled to places, you got the information,
write it, share it, let people know, let them get the information"

please, enjoy my upcoming posts, enjoy the photos, enjoy the stories... :)

Minggu, 11 Desember 2011

a walk with you..

come and take a walk with me, see what I see..
come and take a walk with me, show me what you see..

I'm seeing things wrong with the way that I'm living,
so come and walk with me, I need a second opinion..

I'm paranoid so excuse me if I seem to be nervous..

-a short walk from the Kroller Muller Museum,
De Hoge Veluwe National Park, Otterlo, Holland-

Rabu, 07 Desember 2011


a stranger in Antwerp.

went to Holland, Belgium and Germany last month.
photos coming soon.

Minggu, 13 November 2011

save room

dont say bye-bye tonight, say you'll be mine..
say that you'll stay a little for me..

just a little bit of love is worth a moment of your time..
save room for my love,
save room for a moment to be with me..

save a little, save a little for me,
won't you save a little?

this just might hurt a little, love hurts sometimes when you do it right.
don't be afraid of a little bit of pain,
pleasure is on the other side..

don't let this moment slip by tonight,
you'll never know what you're missing
'till you try, i'll keep you satisfied if you stay..
if you stay, wont you save?

save a little for me, a little room for me,
until i come back, to yours..

(inspired by Save Room - John Legend)

Selasa, 08 November 2011

"come what may"

nothing special relation exist between the title of this post and it's content.
it's only the title of a song that i'm listening into it right now.

"come what may, come what may.. seasons may change winter to spring.. listen to my heart, can you hear it sings? storm clouds may gather and stars may collide.. come what may, come what may.."

it was my usual "me time",
visited the same place, ordered the same drink, ate the same foods.
but something different happened, a call.

come what may? yes, come what may. :)

“There's always light after the dark. You have to go through that dark place to get to it, but it's there, waiting for you. It's like riding on a train through a dark tunnel. If you get so scared you jump off in the middle of the ride, then you're there, in the tunnel, stuck in the dark. You have to ride the train all the way to the end of the ride.”

Selasa, 01 November 2011


recently, posted some photos on my instagram account,
which expressions become it's main focus.

they said, it's not easy to catch some moments
like captured like in that photos,
they lauded my photos, they lauded me.
i did keep in silent, cause i know what's going on here.

"you're like a zombie Roy", my ex said it.

yeah, i lost my expressions.
smiled, but feel empty inside?
laugh, just by my face muscles?

i do remember, i advised some of my friends,
"don't escape from your problems, face it"

when thinking to applied it on my side,
"what to face on? what's my problems after all?"
sadly, currently, i don't know.

Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

jalan-jalan Jakarta

seminggu kerja, pas di akhir pekan pengen satu hari
tetep bisa punya waktu untuk menyegarkan pikiran,
cari yang murah, tapi menyenangkan?
i do it with a photo walk. :)

rencana pertama berkunjung ke Gedung Arsip Nasional.
tapi sayang, lupa kalau hari Sabtu tempat ini sering dipakai
untuk acara resepsi pernikahan, akhirnya batal untuk bisa
foto-foto di bagian dalam dan belakang gedung ini.
alhasil, ambil foto di bagian depannya aja.

Gedung Arsip Nasional ini bekas kediaman
gubernur jenderal VOC Reiner de Klerk,
dibangun di abad ke-18. hampir aja dibongkar,
tapi akhirnya dipertahankan
sama Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen
("perhimpunan Batavia untuk seni dan ilmu").
lalu hampir dibongkar lagi, dan diselamatkan lagi sama
sekelompok usahawan Belanda
yang mendirikan Stichting Cadeau Indonesia
("yayasan hadiah Indonesia").

sekarang, jadi museum, yang dibuka tiap hari Selasa sampai Minggu.
dan yang banyak orang tidak tahu, tidak dipungut biaya. :)

tujuan berikutnya: Passer Baroe

yang hidup dan besar di Jakarta era tahun 90an pasti kenal Passer Baroe.
Pasar Baru, kalau mau gampang menyebutnya. :)
dulu sering kesini bareng papa-mama sekeluarga
untuk cari baju, bahan baju, keperluan-keperluan acara lainnya.
tempat belanja yang ngetren lah istilahnya.

sekarang? kemarin tepatnya.
suasananya udah jauh berubah. semakin modern memang,
tapi semakin sepi dan kurang greget. kalah, sepertinya,
bersaing dengan pusat-pusat perbelanjaan modern di Jakarta saat ini.

tujuan berikutnya :
lapangan Banteng dengan keberadaan gereja Katedral Jakarta.

nama aslinya :
"De Kerk van Onze Lieve Vrouwe ten Hemelopneming"
yang berarti :
"Santa Maria Pelindung Diangkat Ke Surga"
diresmikan pada tahun 1901, berarsitekturkan neo-gotik Eropa.

lewat mulai dari samping sampai depan bangunan gereja ini,
it was amazing! just look at the top of this building, and
you can feel like you're in some countries in Europe, not Jakarta.

karena kemarin ke sana pas Sabtu sore,
persiapan misa lagi dilakukan, akhirnya ga bisa masuk ke dalam.
tapi untuk bisa menikmatinya dari luar pun cukup menyenangkan. :)

i miss you, and wondering, do you?

Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

Daun Kering di atas Carbon

dan berakhir sudah acara pameran iPhonesianya. :)
hasil resminya belum diumumkan, tapi lebih dari seratus foto terjual,
yang artinya puluhan juta rupiah akan masuk menjadi amal kami
untuk pendidikan anak bangsa Indonesia ini. :)

"Daun Kering"
judul dari satu foto milik diri ini yang ikut dipamerkan dan dijual.
seneng banget rasanya bisa dapat kesempatan ini.
foto yang dulu diambil di daerah pasar Tanah Abang,
memakai iPhone 3GS (iPhone pertama),
lalu edit dengan nuansa monochrome.

(bersama Laila-san, yang ikut nengok pameran ini)
(^ ____ ^)/

Kamis, 29 September 2011

Pameran Iphonesia

iPhonesia, sebagai komunitas penggemar dunia fotografi dan olah digital
melalui iDevice di Indonesia akhirnya menggelar acara
pameran foto pertamanya!

bertempat di atrium lantai satu EX Plaza dan lantai 4 Plaza Indonesia,
100 foto pilihan dewan juri dari lebih dari 1000 foto yang terkumpul
dipamerkan dan dijual untuk nanti hasilnya disumbangkan ke yayasan Meek foundation.

temanya "Indonesia Through My iPhone",
100 foto yang berkisah tentang Indonesia, lewat mata tiap anggota
iPhonesia di seluruh Indonesia. :)

dewan jurinya sendiri adalah:
1. Edwin Rahardjo : pecinta seni dengan latar belakang disain interior,
seni arsitektur dan fotografi, pemilik dari Edwin's Gallery di Kemang.

2. Indra Leonardi : fotografer profesional dengan reputasinya sebagai
fotografer presiden republik Indonesia, tamu kenegaraan,
direktur dari KING Foto.

3. Tazran Tanmizi : pelukis, kolektor dan promotor, disainer dan penggemar dunia fotografi.

acara ini disponsori oleh : XL123, Mind+ Magazine,
didukung oleh : NISSAN, Plaza Indonesia, EX Plaza, Indonesia Tatler,
Smailing Tour, Lite Production, LeSportsac, BitterSweet, Tea Rose,
PT Indonesia Printer, Meek Foundation, APPSINDO, Prima Imaging.

berikut cuplikan 100 foto yang dipamerkan:
(setiap foto dicetak dalam ukuran besar di bahan carbon)

photo courtesy of @pameran_iphonesia in Instagram